Vision Statement
We advance, protect and promote our heritage, culture, land and waterways. The Wagonga Local Aboriginal Land Council will do this by protecting, acquiring, managing and developing our land, waterways and assets; empowering our community to achieve long-term self-sustainability focusing on community values.
Wagonga Local Aboriginal Land Council (WLALC) was established in 1984 under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (NSW) (the Act). Throughout the years of operations, WLALC has strived to improve the lives of its members and the Aboriginal community. It achieves this by exercising the functions of an Aboriginal Land Council, as directed by the Act. Over the past 33 years, WLALC has provided a range of services including affordable rental housing, sites management, training, employment and providing care and protection to the land and waterways within WLALC boundaries.
The WLALC has 90 voting members who elect Board Members to steer the strategic direction of the organisation. The administration of WLALC consists of the Board of Directors and a Chief Executive Officer, who is responsible for all casual staff and volunteers.
The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) is the peak body representing Aboriginal peoples NSW and is the largest Aboriginal member based organisation in Australia. Established under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (NSW) (the Act), NSWALC is an independent, self-funded non-government organisation that has an elected governing council and the objective to “improve, protect and foster the best interests of all Aboriginal persons within New South Wales”. 1
In addition, NSWALC provides support to the network of 119 elected and autonomous Local Aboriginal Land Councils (LALCs) across NSW also established under the Act.
LALC’s are significant land holders across the state and have functions under the Act in respect to the management and development of land assets as well as the protection and promotion of Aboriginal culture and heritage.
Latest news
Family and community
Land and spiritual connections to land and waterways
Accountability and responsibility
Cultural awareness and cultural respect
Environment, ocean, plants and animals
Transparency, accesibility and fairness
Building healthy communities
Sustainable use of land and waterways
Honesty and safety
Commitment to achieving the community’s goals including and mentoring our future generation to achieve their highest potential
Business and employment
Unity and cooperation
1. Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (ALRA), Section 105(a), available at: